Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My Top 10 Tips for Frugal Living: #1 Be Ethical & Honest!

As I continue my Top 10 Tips for Frugal Living, my list so far:
# 10 Know the Prices here
# 9 Be Organized here
# 8 Network here
# 7 Rebate here
# 6 Menu Planning here
# 5 Be Patient! here
#4 Know the store's coupon policies here
#3 Have a Good Supply of Coupons here
#2 Use Store Perks Wisely here
#1 Be Ethical and Honest
I saved this for the last one, because to me it is the most important.
As a Christian, I'd rather be honest than to save money. I mean that! I know that some may say that this is just my personal convictions and that's fine. But, I know that the Lord will bless my efforts (no matter what I'm doing) if ONLY I do it in a way that glorifies Him. That means, I don't see how I could "cheat the system" or any such behavior.

Now, I love getting a good deal just like anyone else. But, NOT if it comes at the expense of cheating or dong something fraudulent. For example, I don't send in rebates to multiple addresses when it clearly says, "one per household". Now, some may justify by sending one to their mom or such, but if I paid for it and I'm filling out the paperwork, I feel that it is only right for me to get one rebate.
I know that even if no one else sees, the Lord sees. I also want to uphold a hight level of integrity before my husband and children. I want to set that godly example before them. And lastly, I consider it a witness to store employees. I shop the same stores, basically, all the time. And believe me, people watch your lives. I always want to behave in a manner that will draw people to Him.

I hope this helps someone!

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