Saturday, January 10, 2009

CVS Deals 1/11 - 1/17/09

Not the deals we've seen lately, but there are a few.
Good deals this week include:

Colgate B1G1 $1.99 - 2 $.75 cpn = 2/$.49
Revlon Cosmetics B1G1 $1.99 - 2 $2 cpn = FREE
Nature Made B1G1 lowest price $3.99 - 2 $1 cpn = 2/1.99
M&M Cupid Mix 2/$5 - $2 ECB = 2/$3
Ajax $.88
Buy $10 Nestle candy, get $5 ECB
Altoids B1G1 $1.99
Atkins bars 10/$10 - $1/2 = 2/$1
SoyJoy bars 10$10 - B1G1 = 2/$1
Glade Air Freshener Spray $.99
Mr. Clean 2/$5
Fantastik 2/$5 - $1 cpn = $1.50
Scrubbing Bubbles 2/$5 - .75 cpn = $1.75
Tide to Go 2/$5 - .35 cpn = $2.15
Aussie 3/$10 - $2/2 cpn = 2/$4.66
Herbal Essence 3/$10
Pantene 3/$10 -
Maybelline Lash Stiletto $6.99 - $2 ECB = $4.99
Buy $10 in Maybelline, get $5 ECB
Dove shampoo/conditioner 2/$9 - $3 ECB
Suave shampoo/conditioner 3/$6 - .50/2 cpn = 2/$3.50
Suave deodorant 3/$6 - .55 cpn = $1.45
Suave body wash 3/$6
Aquafresh toothpaste 2/$5 - .75 cpn = $1.75
Glaceau Smartwater 5/$5 - $1/5 cpn = 5/$4
Lifesavers B1G1
Maxwell House 11.5-13 oz. 2/$7

Bonus Deals good 1/4/09-2/14/09
Cheerios Twin pk $7.99 - $4 ECB = $3.99
Cheez-It Twin pk $6 - $3 ECB = $3
Fiber One/Nature Valley bars twin pk. $6.99 - $3 ECB = $3.99
Pledge w/duster $4.59 - $1 ECB -.55 cpn = $3.04
Glade Plug-ins oil refill/oil candle twin pk. $5.49 - $2 ECB -$2.50 cpn = $.99
Bounce Lint Roller twin pk $7.99 - $2 ECB = $5.99
Shout twin pk. $4.99 - $1 ECB = $3.99
Nature's bounty CoQ or fish oil B1G1 - $3 ECB - 2 $1 cpn = varies
Excedrin Bonus 124 ct. $8.99 - $3 ECB -$2 cpn =$3.99
Advil 124 ct $9.99 - $1 ECB = $8.99
Tylenol bonus $7.49 - $2 ECB - $2 cpn = $3.49
Kleenex 3 pk. $3.69 - $1 ECB = $2.69
Triaminic twin pk $11.97 - $3 ECB - $1 cpn = $7.97
Soy Joy 6 pk. $6 - $6 ECB = FREE
Kotex Bonus pk. $4.99 - $2 ECB -$1 cpn = $1.99

**For the B1G1 items, I have chosen to use the lowest price listed in the ad.**

Let me know if I'm missing a great deal, please!

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