Friday, December 5, 2008

Meijer Savings!!!

Great savings at Meijers this week. I went tonight and here's a summary of all that I bought:

6 boxes of Kelloggs Mini Wheats
2 boxes of Kelloggs Special K Red Berries
6 boxes of Kelloggs Pop Tarts
4 boxes of Fiber One Pastry
1 bag of Meijer pretzels
1 bag of Meijer corn chips
1 box of Fiber One cereal
1 can of Grands Biscuits
2 gallons of Meijer milk

Subtotal= $42.94
Both gallons of milk were free w/purchase of 8 boxes of Kelloggs cereal.
Coupons redeemed = $20.50
oop = $22.44
Not bad for 9 boxes of cereal, 10 boxes of 'pop tarts', some snacks, and 2 gallons of milk!!!
Savings percentage = 64%


Liz said...

That is a pretty good deal! My cousins live near Columbus and when we have visited we have always gone to Meijer.

Julie said...

Do you not have Meijers either?? I'm sorry..I thought they were nationwide. Did you notice the "helper" in the picture? That' my youngest son, Jonathan!!