Friday, July 8, 2011

SavingStar...Grocery eCoupons!

Here's how it works:
  1. Select the eCoupons you like on the website or mobile app, and they are automatically linked to your store card.
  2. Use your card when you checkout and the money is added to your SavingStar account. The savings don't change your bill at the register and the savings are not printed on the receipt. Instead, they get deposited into your account within 7-30 days depending upon where you shop.
  3. Once your SavingStar account reaches $5 in savings, you can pick your payout from a bank account deposit, a PayPal account deposit, an Amazon gift card, or a donation to charity. More options to come!
Sign up for SavingStar to save digital grocery coupons directly to your store loyalty cards.

Here's just a few of the current ecoupons:
    • Save $1.00 on Bayer Aspirin
    • Save $1.00 on One A Day Multi-Vitamins
    • Save $2.00 on Aleve
    • Save $1.00 on Juicy Juice
    • Save $2.00 on Phillips' Health product
    • Save $2.00 on Purina Cat Food
    • Save $2.00 on Purina Dog Food

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